Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fundraising Letter

Friends and Family:

Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. —Psalm 82:3-4

Almost ten years ago, God opened a door for me to work in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. On my first trip, our team built houses for the homeless, brought smiles and laughter to children’s homes, provided food to the hungry, and introduced those without hope to the One who is the source of lasting hope. Through all of this, God fostered in me a love for His Honduran children and a passion to be used in whatever way possible to be light to the people there. 

After several short-term trips, I had faith that God would utilize me in larger capacity. Recently, Mountain Top Ministries, a mission organization in Honduras, asked me to move to Honduras and volunteer with the ministry. Mountain Top Ministries ( provides a Christ-centered home and education for eleven boys, ages 10-22, and works with short term mission teams building houses for the needy, feeding the hungry, and clothing the impoverished, and partners with various ministries throughout Honduras. The boys that live in the children’s home come from a variety of despairing backgrounds. All have come from homes where alcoholism and abuse were key players; some have had to beg on the streets to survive, while others were forced into homelessness. It is the goal of Mountain Top Ministry that through a Christ-centered environment, quality bilingual education, and effective discipline, the boys that live in the home will be able to be a light wherever they go.

In January, I will be joining the staff of Mountain Top Ministries. I am excited to join a ministry that will allow me to use the skills that God has developed in me to make a lasting impact for His Kingdom. Some of my duties on this six-month trip will be

·       to support the boys’ studies
·       to assist in the daily goals and tasks of the children’s home
·       to help with the short-term mission teams
·       to be a positive, Christ-like example to the boys

Additionally, it is my plan to provide Bible-centered English lessons to the people that live in the community where I will be staying. This method of evangelism lets me create authentic relationships with my students while also telling people about the transformative power of Christ.  

Below, I have described how much money I will need to raise to make this six-month trip possible:

Transportation, housing, and food
Airline ticket
Spanish language school

Consider making a donation to this mission that God has called me to. Checks can be made payable to Grand Central Church of Christ; please put “J.T. Spivy—Honduras” in the memo line. Please send donations to J.T. Spivy 4614 8th Avenue, Vienna, WV 26105. More importantly, I implore you to pray for my time in Honduras.  

Because of His mission,

J.T. Spivy

P.S.--If you do not want to spend money on postage, there is a PayPal button to the right. 

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