Wednesday, November 11, 2015

He is Faithful

Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Psalm 36:5

With an insurmountable amount of joy and gratitude, I am thankful to report that with a few more checks that I know are coming, my trip is fully funded

This is only possible because God's people were willing to be used by Him. 

Going into this process, raising money was the part I dreaded the most, but it was through this part that God displayed his faithfulness.

Thanks to each of you have partnered with me in this journey. This experience has proven that God has surrounded me with so many great people. Your generosity and kindness have lifted my spirits on many occasions. 

If you are looking for a place to support, please check out Mountain Top Ministries ( They are in the middle of preparing for Christmas. Making Christmas special for eleven boys (and the adults that live there, too!) isn't exactly cheap. 

God is faithful. 

P.S.--Two months from today, I will be heading to Honduras! 

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