Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Week 8-Bragging on the Boys

Last week’s post was serious. This week, I am just going to play the part of a gushing parent and brag on our boys.

Two weeks ago, we attended a special ceremony at the boys’ school that honored the top performers in each grade. Four of our boys (Francisco, Mario, Marvin, and Yovani) received a medal for being on the honor roll all last year. Each time one of our boys’ names was called, all of their friends loudly cheered for them—our kids are clearly the rock stars of the school. Yovani also received an award for having the highest grade in the school. This kid had to compete with kids who were just learning their ABCs to get a grade and still won. Also, Yovani (this kid is an overachiever) won first place in an inter-bilingual school track meet for the 800-meter dash.

Yesterday, David, Antonio, and I went to cheer on Jairo at his soccer game. Jairo had some excellent kicks in the game and was cracking jokes with some of the parents before the game—what he lacks in talent, he makes up in charm. In the end, his team won 3-2. Let me just say, every parent here could be a soccer coach, and many of them try to prove it during the games. The kids listened to their coach and their parents and still ended up winning. That’s impressive.

Antonio continues to go to school every Sunday and says he is enjoying it. Throughout the week, Antonio has been helping different mission groups build houses. He has not been doing this for a long time, but he is already a professional. Antonio is not one to boss people around, but instead just quietly works on the job until it is finished.

Lessons with Henrry are moving right along. Tonight, he impressed the younger boys with his English skills—he said he had a good teacher; I think that I am just lucky that whatever I am throwing at him is actually sticking. I have been trying to focus on only present tense verbs, but last night he said that he wanted to learn future and past tense, too. He picked it up with no problem.

The boys play soccer almost every evening. While it can be like pulling teeth to get the boys to go outside, once they are out there, it becomes difficult to get them to come in. I am always impressed by Saul’s soccer skills. He will doing things with his feet that I know if I tried, I would end up on my face. He is also really good with the boys who aren’t playing at the same skill level—he doesn’t become angry or annoyed. He just enjoys playing the game with them.

Carlos continues to be a huge help here. When David goes to the States next month, I know that I will rely a lot on him. I have no fear that he will make sure everything will go well. Aside from working here, Carlos has become an excellent father. Though I do not see him and Noah very often, I can sometimes hear their interactions—Carlos is always being goofy to make his son happy.

I have had very little to do with who these boys are, but I am still filled with pride when I think about them. I am thankful that God gave me this chance to witness all of their successes.

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