Thursday, May 19, 2016

Week 18-Update

There are days when “Welcome to Honduras” and “This is proxy-parenthood” ingloriously combine in a miserable marriage. Last Thursday, we were met with one of those days. Without getting into much detail, after a meeting at the school and general stresses of the day, the alternator of the van stopped working, meaning that we had zero (that is zero as in zero) working vehicles. Two positives of this situation were that I survived my first taxi ride in Tegucigalpa and also learned what an alternator is and why it is so important.

It would’ve been easy to come home and just hide in my room at the end of that day. Because my new room here is kind of separate from where most of the action happens, this option was highly tempting. Thankfully, I decided to sit down with the boys and eat supper. This is not something that happens very often because, with 11 people in a house, there is not room for all of us at the table. After dinner, Francisco asked me to play video games with him. Though not well adept at video game playing, I was still able to share some laughs with the kids. Through the evening’s activities, I remembered a large part for why I am here: I love these kids.  There will be times when the problems that come with ministry seem like it is becoming a little much, but, at the end of the day, all that matter is that our boys here feel loved, can find refuge, and become men of God.

Be praying for us at MTM as group season starts. The days start early and end late. Routines are temporarily thrown out the window. Patience will be tried. But so much good will be happening, too.

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