Friday, April 15, 2016

Week 13- Fundraising

First of all, as of this publication, everyone at the house is still alive. This is an accomplishment.

Last week, I mentioned that David was in the States fundraising, but I did not go into great detail about why he is fundraising. This week, I still won't be going into great detail, but I will definitely provide more detail.

Mountain Top Ministries is always searching for dedicated monthly supporters; we are thankful for the supporters who have been with us from the beginning, but having a larger donor base would, of course, benefit the ministry. MTM has come a long way from several years ago when it was unclear if all the bills would be paid each month. However, we still have a ways to go. Many people donate in support of a selected boy at the the home, while others send money to the ministry knowing that it will help with the day-to-day operations. If you are looking for a ministry to partner with, consider Mountain Top Ministries.

Two specific things that David is fundraising for are a new truck and a well. As I have mentioned, we have a water problem. The problem is we never have water. Unlike the States, many homes in Honduras only receive water once or twice a week from the city. We are constantly running out of water at our house. I would like you to imagine how a house full of boys smells when there is no water. Because of this, we constantly have to bring water trucks in. This can cost anywhere between $100-$250 per week. This takes a huge toll on our already tight budget.  After discussing possible solutions with the landlord, we have decided that digging a well would be the best solution. To dig a well, it would cost around $15,000.  Having a consistent source of water means that our boys can bathe daily, will always have clean clothes, and, most importantly, be able to flush the toilets.

The last large item is a new (to us!) truck. If you have ever spent any time in Honduras, you know that to do what we do, a truck is vital. The red truck and David have been inseparable for years. David could drive into many communities throughout Tegucigalpa, and people would known immediately who was in the truck. Unfortunately, the  trusty red Ford has recently bitten the dust, and we hope to purchase another truck when David returns.  The price of a truck that will meet our unique needs is between $15,000-$20,000.

As I said last week, fundraising is kind of miserable for many missionaries; it requires a lot of humility and faith in God and God's people to be successful. Continue praying for David as he travels from place to place, searching for ways to help continue God's mission in Honduras. 

If you are interested in financially joining Mountain Top Ministries, please visit

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