Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 12- Prayer Requests

One of the unfortunate truths that many ministries face is that money is not something that is readily available. Many missionaries spend a large chunk of time raising funds to continue what they are doing. Mountain Top Ministries is no different--we are always looking for funds.

Yesterday, David left for a month to visit with several churches in five states across the US to speak with them about partnering with us. David would much rather stay here and continue doing what he loves and is called to do, but this is a necessary evil--especially with our truck recently dying and our lack of water situation. Pray that David is successful in his endeavors, that his nerves will disappear as he is presenting, and that he can find some time to relax. This guy needs a break; fundraising is the opposite of a relaxing, but maybe he can fine sometime for himself.

Also, pray for us at MTM. Carlos, Alana, and I will continue on with the day-to-day activities here. Of course, I am little anxious about this month. I am experiencing flashbacks to student teaching when the teacher would leave the room for a little bit.

Thank you for your continual prays!

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